Becket Conservation Commission
Minutes November 17, 2011
Becket Town Hall
557 Main St. Becket, MA
Present: Richard Pryor, Vice Chair; Bud Moylan, Commissioner; Marty Winters, Commissioner; Kathy Vsetecka, Agent and Commissioner
Absent: Purr McEwen, Commissioner; Scott Morley, Chair
Richard Pryor opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.
Approval of the minutes of October 20, 2011. Motion to approve by Bud; second by Marty. Unanimous approval.
Continuance Notice of Intent Conservation Group, Inc. Barry Fogel, Esq. Center
Pond Dam Map 210 Lots 28, 30, 34 DEP #102-0372 Maintenance, repair and improvement of Center Pond Dam
Applicant has requested a continuance of the hearing until the January 2012 meeting.
Motion by Kathy for a continuance to the January 2012 meeting with the applicant’s consent; second by Richard. Unanimous approval.
No new applications for permits have been received for this meeting.
Kathy noted that there is a problem with road drainage into Lancelot Lake at the intersection of Maid Marion and Fireside. The Sherwood Forest Road District is working on a solution and is hiring an engineering firm for this.
Kathy stated that the Commission now has a new laptop computer.
Motion to adjourn at 6:39 PM by Marty; second by Bud.
Unanimous decision.
Respectfully submitted:
Kathleen Vsetecka
Richard Pryor Date
________________________________________________________________________Marty Winters Date
________________________________________________________________________Bud Moylan Date
________________________________________________________________________Kathy Vsetecka